Frank & Rosie Cooper circa 1950
Francis (Frank) Albert Bloom Cooper, took over from Arthur Herbert Lister on 5th March 1935, with his wife Rosie, (Rosemary) by his side. At the time, The Gardeners Arms, was there first pub venture together, which they managed on behalf of Bullards Brewery.
The couple moved on from The Gardeners Arms, on the brink on World War II, with there two children Francis and Joyce, to be followed by Jimmy Parker, on 28th December 1938. Frank and Rosie, moved onto The Good Companions Pub, Earlham Green Lane. This was a brand new pub, which was built by the Bullards Brewery, for the new housing estate of West Earlham. (The licence at The Good Companions was previously held , by Douglas Arthur Oliver Baker, the Brewery Representative, who had held the licence at The Gardeners Arms in April 1932). Frank & Rosie ran the pub until his retirement in July 1956, when they moved into a house on Knowsley Road, Norwich.
Family stories tell that Frank's brother-in-law Bob, and his wife Nellie, went on to work at The Good Companions with Frank & Rosie. Unfortunately, Bob was born without a thumb on his left hand, and was unable to hold, or fire a rifle. Because of this, he was invalided out of joining the regular Army during WWII, but was part of the Home Guard that provided sevice to there community, as part of the war effort.
Bob Larwood, and Nellie, (his wife), had a son, Roger Larwood, who kindly supplied the photographs and information about his family. Roger worked for Woodfordes Brewery, that supply The Gardeners Arms, with some of there fine ales.
Frank & Rosie Cooper, with children Francis and Joyce circa 1935
Frank & Rosie Cooper at The Good Companions, Earlham Green Lane, circa 1955
Also in this Picture is Bob Larwood, (Front row far left) and Nellie Larwood, (Front row far right)